Introduction of integrity in Hungarian public administration

Miklós Polgár, Disaster Management of Baranya County Directorate, University of Pécs, Faculty of Law
Zsolt Brambauer, Disaster Management of Baranya County Directorate, University of Pécs, Faculty of Law


The requirement of integrity is a new area of Hungarian public administration. Better to say, the preludes and principles could be found in administration before its actual legal institution by law. In this paper I am going to analyse the antecedents of integrity in Hungary, then the areas of evolving of integrity will be shown step by step (e.g. acts, education, and preparation). Later, I will write about the actualities of integrity in Hungary. At the end of my paper you can read about the results and possibilities of the introduction of integrity in the administration of Hungary.


[1] Edict of National Media and Communications Authority 4/2012. (I.24.) on safety and integrity of networks and services.

[2] Edict of Government 50/2013. (II.25.) on the system of management of the integrity of public administration and the procedure for receiving interest advocates.

[3] Order of Ministry of Interior 18/2013. (VI.21.) on integrity notifications relating to the affairs uniform handing detailed rules.

[4] Order of Ministry of National Defence 35/2015. (VII.21.) on integrity and corruption prevention work group.

[5] Order of President of National Court Registry 6/2016. (V.31.) on integrity policy.

[6] Order of Supreme Prosecutor 2/2018. (II.28.) on organizational integrity violation events management of the rules of procedure.

[7] Decision of Constitutional Court of Hungary 33/2017. (XII.6.)

[8] It was declared by the Act XLIX. of 2002.

[9] Act CVIII. of 2011. on procurements.

[10] Act LVII. of 1996. on prohibition of unfair market conduct and restriction of competition.

[11] Mapping corruption risks – dissemination of integrity-based administrative culture ÁROP 1.2.4-09-2009-0002 featured project of Europen Union.

[12] KLOTZ, P. – PULAY, Gy., Map of corruption risks – integrity survey 2011 Hungarian public administration, 66. page 1/2011 Budapest.

[13] ibid.

[14] ibid.

[15] b) Point (1) 32. Article GDPR.

[16] ax) point (4) 140.§ paragraph Act CXXXIX. 2013. on National Bank of Hungary.

[17] a) point (4) 108.§ paragraph Act CCXXVII. 2013. on Credit institutions and financial companies.

[18] Edict of Government 50/2013. (II.25.) on the system of management of the integrity of public administration and the procedure for receiving interest advocates.

[19] ibid. 17. a)-d) points 2.§ paragraph.

[20] Integrity consulting specialist.

[21] 5.§ paragraph Edict of Government 50/2013. (II.25.) on the system of management of the integrity of public administration and the procedure for receiving interest advocates.

[22] 33/2017. (XII.6.) decision of Constitutiton Court of Hungary.

[23] Edict of Government 50/2013. (II.25.) on the system of management of the integrity of public administration and the procedure for receiving interest advocates.

[24] Ibid. 1.§ Paragraph

[25] KLOTZ, P., Rendvédelmi szervek: integritas ante portas, 1/2017 Magyar Rendészet 2017 Budapest.

[26] Ibid.

[27] Government Decision 1336/2015. (V.27.) on adoption of the National Anti-corruption Programme and related measures 2015-2016 years plan.

[28] MENEGHEL, I., SALANOVA, M. and MARTINEZ, I. M., (2016). Feeling good makes us stronger: How team resilience mediates the effect of positive emotions on team performance. Journal of Happiness Studies 17.

[29] Resilienzkompass zur Stärkung der individuellen und organisationalen Resilienz in Unternehmen (Herausgeber: ifaa – Institut für angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft e. V.).

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[32] ISO 22316:2017 (2017). Security and resilience – Organizational resilience – Principles and attributes,

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Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2019

Cyber Security and eGovernment
Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European E|Dem and E|Gov Days, May 2-3, 2019, Budapest
Facultas, 1. Ed., 536 p.
ISBN: 978-3-7089-1898-3,
ISBN: 978-3-903035-24-9

Editors: András Nemeslaki, Alexander Prosser, Dona Scola, Tamás Szádeczky