Research data in the context of open science: Case study of the Republic of Moldova

Andrei Rusu, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science „Vladimir Andrunachievici”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Nelly Turcan, Moldovan State University, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Rodica Cujba, Information Society Development Institute, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Mihai Grecu, Information Society Development Institute, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


At present, there are important changes in scientific research, changes that concern both the organization, realization and evaluation of research, as well as the use and dissemination of scientific results. These changes that are characteristic to the Open Science phenomenon are determined by the development of new technologies, by increasing the social role of scientific research in an institutional and political context. The Open Science concept represents a new approach to the way in which scientific research based on cooperation and new ways of disseminating knowledge is carried out and organized, using new digital technologies, new tools for collaboration, and RDI infrastructure to ensure open access to research data. The paper presents the results of the study on mapping research data in the Republic of Moldova. The study is based on results of two surveys conducted in January-February 2016 and May-July 2018. The research has highlighted the general concern of RDI actors about the retention and use of scientific data. A new challenge is needed to solve scientific data issues by creating new type of infrastructure to ensure data archiving, broad access for the purpose of their dissemination and reuse, and thus creating new research opportunities based on research data.


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Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2019

Cyber Security and eGovernment
Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European E|Dem and E|Gov Days, May 2-3, 2019, Budapest
Facultas, 1. Ed., 536 p.
ISBN: 978-3-7089-1898-3,
ISBN: 978-3-903035-24-9

Editors: András Nemeslaki, Alexander Prosser, Dona Scola, Tamás Szádeczky