E-Citizens Web Portal – Case of Croatia


Thomas Laue, University of Public Administration and Finance Ludwigsburg, Germany
Birgit Schenk, University of Public Administration and Finance Ludwigsburg, Germany


In this paper we discuss the term Smart City and its components, to design a framework to compare three major municipalities of Baden-Württemberg who declared themselves Smart Cities. The theoretical framework is based on scientific definitions for the different terms related to Smart Cities. To compare the cities we gathered open and public data to guarantee transparency of the evaluation. Hence this is only possible when cities are “smart” so that this method is an indicator itself of a Smart City. We focused on three major cities of Baden-Württemberg who already advertise for being a smart city in comparing different studies.


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Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2018

Including a Workshop on Smart Cities organized by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European E|Dem and E|Gov Days, May 3-4, 2018, Budapest
Facultas, 1. Ed. (14 May 2018), 506 p.
ISBN-10: 9783708917375,
ISBN-13: 978-3708917375,
ASIN: 3708917375506

Editors: Hendrik Hansen, Robert Müller-Török, András Nemeslaki, Alexander Prosser, Dona Scola, Tamás Szádeczky