25 years SAP @ WU

October 15, 2019
University of Economics and Business, Vienna

Programme Registration

Timeline 25 Years of SAP-based Education at WU

In 1994 the Institute of Production Management rolled out its first SAP-based lecture – at that time with SAP R/3 Version 2.1. The World Wide Web had been released for general free usage by CERN the year before, "client-server computing" was the mainstay of the time and 2G mobile phone networks (GSM) were being introduced.

Today the technological and economic environment has changed vastly – yet the challenge in education has not; that is the challenge to give students a theoretically grounded and practically applicable preparation for the workplace. Since 1994 SAP systems have been part of this educational package.

Here the milestones in SAP-based education at WU:

Autumn semester 1994
First lectures at Institute of Production Management with R/3 2.1; used in specialization programme ("SBWL" Production Management).

First SAP-related textbook published at WU.

1995 – 1999
Use of R/3 in basic first-semester IT education at WU.

Migration to R/3 4.0, homepage erp.wu.ac.at initiated.

2000 – 2003
Cooperation with the University of Technology Sydney, where a complete SAP-based programme was initiated.

Introduction of SAP BW and APO for lectures on Business Intelligence and Supply Chain Coordination.

2002 – 2005
Teaching cooperation with University of Applied Sciences Salzburg and Joanneum Kapfenberg.

Migration to ECC 6 and BW 7.

2011 – 2014
Lighthouse Partner für SAP Business by Design.

Start of ongoing cooperation with University of Public Administration and Finance, Ludwigsburg.

Design of a SAP-based public sector education programme for the Danube Region.

Start of ongoing teaching cooperation with Lauder Business School.

Ongoing project to build public sector-oriented education using SAP systems in the Danube Region, cooperation partners:
University of Public Administration and Finance, Ludwigsburg
National University of Public Service, Budapest
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Academy for Public Administration, Chisinau

Migration to SAP HANA.


Logo WU Wien
Logo SAP
Logo SAP University Alliances
Logo OCG
Logo Digital Champions Network
Logo University of Public Administration and Finance
Logo National University of Public Service
Logo Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Logo Academy for Public Administration
Logo Lauder Business School


9:00-10:30 - Session 1

Welcome Address

Edward Bernroider, WU Wien

Keynote 1

Christoph Kränkl, SAP

Keynote 2

Martin Elsner, SAP AG

Digital Champions Network

Klaus Niedl, Novomatic

Keynote 3:
25 years of SAP @ WU & Partners

Alexander Prosser, WU Wien
Alfred Taudes, WU Wien

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break

In each of the following thematic sessions a practitioner from the respective industry, one of our alumni and a professor will discuss how evolving demand in the industry feeds back to eductional design and how SAP-based eduction may improve workplace success of the WU alumni.

11:00-12:30 - Session 2: ERP in Production and Logistics


Tamás Csermely, Lauder Business School, Vienna


Roland Ladengruber, OMV AG


Andrea Radner


András Nemeslaki, TU Budapest

12:30-13:30 - Lunch break

13:30-15:00 - Session 3: ERP in Public Administration


Christine Leitner, Centre for Economics and Public Administration (CEPA), London


Erich Albrechtowitz, Head of ICT infrastructure Austrian Federal Chancellery


Edith Brietzke, bitbw, Stuttgart


Robert Müller-Török, HVF Ludwigsburg

15:00-15:30 - Coffee break

15:30-17:00 - Session 4: Business Intelligence and the next generation


Ronald Bieber, OCG


Josef Auer, SCC Wien


Sarah Kellermann, Erste Bank Group


17:00 - Closing Remarks


Festsaal 2 der WU Wien
Gebäude LC
Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Wien


Alexander Prosser
WU Wien
Email: alexander.prosser(at)wu.ac.at

Christine Haas
Email: christine.haas(at)ocg.at

Participation is free of charge!